
Fibromyalgia Should Be Officially Recognised

Fibro Doctors along with countless sufferers of fibromyalgia, can be safe in the knowledge that, slowly but surely, fibromyalgia is finally getting the recognition it needs. This is highlighted by a recent article in Dutch…
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Two-thirds of those with fibromyalgia also have depression

New research was carried out by NewLifeOutlook in order to better understand it's fibromyalgia community members. The online poll sampled 671 people, all diagnosed with fibromyalgia and the results have provided a valuable insight into…
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Patient Questions Answered – Part IV

Does Fibromyalgia Affect Your Sleep? With 22% of Americans and 36% of Britons suffering from chronic insomnia, getting a full night of sleep can be harder than you think, especially if you have Fibromyalgia. We…
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Multiple Chemical Sensitivity & Fibromyalgia

Patients with Fibromyalgia can also show signs of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). Someone with MCS will react badly to low amounts of chemical substances in the environment either through smell, touch or ingestion. This may…
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Fibromyalgia Receives Official Diagnosis In US

The New Year is off to a great start already, as fibromyalgia sufferers in the U.S. have finally been acknowledged. As 2015 came to a close, fibromyalgia received its own official diagnostic code in the…
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How Melatonin Can Help With Your Fibromyalgia

While often thought of as simply a natural sleeping pill, several studies now suggest that Melatonin might also help in combating Fibromyalgia pain. Most recently, a double-blind study has suggested that high doses of Melatonin…
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Does Fibromyalgia Pain Come From The Brain’s Immune System?

Headaches, widespread pain, and sensitivity to light — do these abnormal fibromyalgia pains stem from a part of the central nervous system's dedicated immune system? Recent research from The National Center for Biotechnology Information suggests…
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Living With Fibromyalgia - How Effective Is Amitriptyline?

The medication Amitriptyline has often been mentioned as a first-line treatment for neuropathic pain. However, the fact that there is little evidence to truly support it’s long-term efficacy leaves something to be desired. Of course,…
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome & Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) frequently go together — however no one really knows why. We do know, however that both conditions can include imbalances of serotonin (in fibromyalgia it's an imbalance in the…
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The Sympathetic Nervous System & Fibromyalgia Pain

A recent study published in Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology Online, explores the relationship between sympathetic nervous system activity and pain intensity in fibromyalgia. The study presents that levels of norepinephrine (the neurotransmitter that activates the…
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