Fibromyalgia: How Your Diet May Affect Your Symptoms

There is no right or wrong treatment for fibromyalgia. What may work for one of us, is useless for another. It’s certainly a process of trial and error, yet many of us don’t even know all of the options.

It is not uncommon for patients to report their symptoms worsening after eating certain foods, and though much of the research is in its beginning phases, there’s some evidence that simple changes in diet may ease the pain of fibromyalgia.

Stay Away From Additives

Food additives as simple and common as aspartame can act as excitotoxin molecules – activating neurons that increase sensitivity to pain. A small study found that eliminating MSG and aspartame resulted in a reduction of fibromyalgia symptoms. This might be worth a try if you notice your symptoms worsening after eating certain foods.

Take Vitamin D

Many of us suffer from a vitamin D deficiencies anyway, causing tiring bone and muscle pain, however newer studies show that upping the levels of this vitamin may help specifically with fibro pain. Taking a supplement, especially during the long, dark, winter months may just work wonders.

Cut Down On Caffeine

Many fibro patients face sleepless nights, and often will turn to caffeine to get them through the day. This, however might be a big mistake. Using caffeine to compensate for not sleeping well can lead to a circular problem, once again keeping patients up at night. Opt for an antioxidant-packed decaffeinated green tea as a possible alternative.

Eat More Fish

We already know that Omega-3 fatty acids, found in the likes of salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed, are known to reduce inflammation – but now it seems it could help fibro patients as well. Many patients have reported an alleviation in symptoms such as morning stiffness, and painful joints after just a few months of adding these fatty acids into their diet – tasty and good for you!

Remember Your Veggies

Fruits and veggies are packed with important antioxidants, like vitamins A, C, and E, which help to keep your body normalised. Make sure to at least get your recommended amount per day, and if you can fit some extra in – even better.

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