Remote Consultations
We are delighted to offer remote consultations at the Fibroclinic
We have implemented changes to ensure that, during this difficult time we can continue to provide our vital service to existing Fibroclinic patients and new patients so appropriate advice, treatment plans and prescriptions can continue to be delivered.
- Stay safe at home whilst getting the help you need for your pain from a specialist pain consultant. There is no need to suffer with pain at home during this stressful time.
- Use this time in isolation to tackle the pain that’s been bothering you.
- At a time when it may be hard to get an appointment with your GP, NHS pain clinic or your appointments are being cancelled and you may be requiring advice, medication and help with your pain condition, allow us to support you.
- You will complete our full pain questionnaire to provide history, our pain specialists can help diagnose your pain remotely and then provide a detailed treatment plan to target your pain and you can begin your road to recovery.
- A comprehensive, multidisciplinary treatment plan will be provided, including treatment options during the Covid-19 period and treatment options post Covid-19, to ensure you are fully informed of all of your pain management options.
- Any medications recommended can be requested via your GP or delivered directly to your door via our recommended private pharmacy Pharmacierge.
- Remote appointments by phone or secure video calls and end-to-end encrypted clinic letters to patients and GP’s, allow us to safely provide our usual high level of service, whilst being fully GDPR compliant.
- Face-to-face consultations can be arranged upon request. These are specifically for urgent cases, where a physical examination would be required prior to possible procedures being undertaken. MRI scans can also be arranged as part of the diagnostic process.
If you would like an appointment, we are just a phone call away 0207 118 0250 or email us at
*Due to Covid-19, this will not be a face-to-face appointment and we are unable to do a physical examination.