Exercise and Fibromyalgia: Finding the Right Balance

A Fibromyalgia Pain Doctor will tell you that: “neuromuscular alterations caused by fibromyalgia, can cause a risk of disability, as well as an increased risk of falls & injuries. For this reason, muscle strength training may be essential in combating, or even preventing, the onset of such issues. Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that muscle strengthening & aerobic exercise are most effective in reducing the pain & severity of the disease, whilst stretching & aerobic exercise produce the biggest improvements in a health-related quality of life” [1,2]
Fibromyalgia can be described as a long-term disorder which generates pain and tenderness throughout the body, along with fatigue and insomnia. At the present time, the cause of fibromyalgia is still not fully understood, although all sufferers experience a heightened sensitivity to pain [1]. To that end, it is very important to book an appointment with a Fibromyalgia Pain Consultant.
What Does a Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia With a Pain Specialist Entail?
• An expert assessment and diagnosis with a doctor who is qualified in pain and pain medicine, and specialises in fibromyalgia
• Taking a detailed medical history with an accent on your fibromyalgia, and how it affects your daily life
• A fully comprehensive physical examination
• Relevant investigations including various cutting-edge tests and scans
• A Holistic Personalised Treatment Plan
Depression & Exercise
“Combined exercise [i.e. muscle strengthening & aerobic exercise], is the most effective way of reducing symptoms of depression” [2].
How Much Exercise Should I Do to Help My Fibromyalgia Symptoms?
Your Fibromyalgia Pain Doctor will discuss this with you after your consultation, although generally speaking, it appears that 30–45 minute sessions of 2 or 3 different mild to moderate intensity physical activities are effective [2]. The point to be mindful of here, is that there are lots of different exercise methods to choose form. – So find the ones that you enjoy, and if you feel uplifted by your favourite music, do your stretching etc., to that!
[1]. lbuquerque MLL, Monteiro D, Alvarez MC, Vilarino GT, Andrade A, Neiva HP. Effects of strength training in fibromyalgia on balance, neuromuscular performance, and symptomatic analysis: a 12-week study protocol. Front Neurol. 2023 Apr 28;14:1149268.
[2]. Sosa-Reina MD, Nunez-Nagy S, Gallego-Izquierdo T, Pecos-Martín D, Monserrat J, Álvarez-Mon M. Effectiveness of Therapeutic Exercise in Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. Biomed Res Int. 2017:2356346.